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Category: Blog

Cats and (the) QM

Cats and (the) QM

I grew up with two cats that were convinced they were smarter than me, and I am not sure they were wrong. They would gaze at me arrogantly from an elevated height, and I was never any competition for the best spot on the couch. Cats have always seemed like intriguing creatures to me, and in my imagination they would have an un-understood intelligence and insights that us humans lack. Noting their omnipresence in theoretical physics, I am not alone…

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An ode to threesomes

An ode to threesomes

With this slightly daring title I hope to discuss my passion for all things that come in groups of three. Now to deflect any possible readers following a late night Google lead, this post will in all likelihood only be sexy to you if you have a strong affinity with numbers and an amusing measure of OCD; like yours truly.